Hand Tattoos For Girls

Hand tattoos for girls hold a very significant historical meaning. While Western cultures do not view them in the same capacity, many Eastern cultures greatly support hand tattoos as a way of demonstrating their social status, their intelligence, or even their occupation. Popular for wedding ceremonies or other henna tattoos and Arabic hand tattoos for girls contain some of the most intricate designs associated with any tattoos because of their limited body space.

Within the Arab world, this type of tattoo is part of a widely practiced ritual. The small, symbolic meanings associated with hand tattoos are typically seen throughout North Africa. It was the Egyptian Christians who would support a cross tattoo on their wrist or on their hand. Finger hand tattoos are clearly the smallest in size, and therefore hardly noticeable. Wedding bands or wedding rings are very popular. This design is the most popular in terms of finger hand tattoos for girls. Wrist tattoos generally include a bracelet or vines wrapping around the wrist in a circular manner. Forearm tattoo designs are generally the location for larger tattoos such as a cross or a Celtic knot. Lastly, upper arm designs are often the location of symbols of power or strength such as a dragon or Zodiac symbol.

Executive Summary By Laura Palmieri